As of May 2, 2019, Mud Hole Custom Tackle, Inc. has successfully completed the acquisition of RodDancer Fishing Products and its brands, which will be folded into the ProProducts product offering. This transition will be seamless without any disruption of supply to distributors and customers.

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Welcome to FishHawk Threads

A good quality winding thread can cure a lot of ills simply by not causing any. FishHawk Rod Winding Threads were developed specifically to provide trouble-free performance to both custom rod builders and O.E.M.s.

At FishHawk, our pledge to you is simple. The highest quality products, and constant availability.

FishHawk strives to provide the highest quality rod winding threads available to the craftsman rod builder or heirloom quality OEM rod producers. Our silk and metallic threads are the best in the world. We have a 3/0 silk which is the finest on earth and our metallized thread is silver alloy (not aluminum) so it will not tarnish or lose its luster and shine.

FishHawk is not part of a large textile conglomerate. You are purchasing your thread from a family-owned company who chose to provide the custom rod craftsmen with the highest quality rod winding threads. At FishHawk, our pledge to you is simple. The highest quality products and constant availability
Phone: 866.790.7637